Sea Soul
Mixed Media Art Inspired Near the Sea

Past Events

27 Jun 2024 Sea Soul Art Exhibit Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: Thursday Club, Woodleigh Lane, La Cañada Flintridge, CA, USA
I’ve been asked to exhibit my art “stash” at their monthly member mixer. Honored and excited! Will be taking 12-15 framed pieces, including three abstracts using either acrylic, oil or both. New for me, and loving it. Always happy to revisit my passion for recycling “bits” of wasteful marketing materials into my art.
14 May 2024 - 24 May 2024 Art ambassador for LaCanada, California Sister City to Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain Category: Show/Exhibit
As part of an art/cultural exchange La Canada’s Sister City organization is sending art to exhibit in Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain during their San Ysidro festival, 10 days in May 2024. This is a great honor to be invited to send artwork. My artwork was chosen to show some California’s coastal subject matter.
8 Apr 2021 - 24 May 2021 Broken Nature Category: Show/Exhibit Venue: Morro Bay Art Association Gallery, 835 Main Street, Morro Bay, CA, USA
Polar bears are losing their habitat due to loss of ice floes.

A vertical chasm depicts this brokenness in nature’s ability to sustain the environment needed by the bears. Metallic envelope mailer bits are used to depict cold and ice.